Tuesday, December 13, 2011

A new addition to the family?

For the past year I've been wanting a dog with everything in my heart. Last week I put my writing skills to use and sent a heart felt email to my landlord.

"Hi Mrs. Ester, this is Jasmine, Rena's daughter. There's something that's been on my mind lately and I've been hoping to talk to you about it. Ever since we've moved here I've been hoping to bring a small dog into the family. I had completely given up on this thought but I was reminded a few days ago that it never hurts to ask. Our family has had animals in the past. Our most recent was a medium sized dog named Brandi who passed away March 19th 2010 due to cancer. It was a very devastating time for us. Things haven’t been the same since. My mother and I were hoping to brighten up this holiday with a new addition to our family. Please consider. Thank you. Happy Holidays."

Surprisingly she said yes! It was probably the happiest moment I've had since I moved here. I called my mom screaming in her ear. (: Currently Im looking at a little pomeranian/ chihuahua. His name is Little Bear. He has partially deformed hind legs so he runs a little funny and is slightly blind in one eye. I hope to go visit him this weekend while in anchorage and bring him home to Juneau at the end of Christmas break. Below is a picture of the little guy. 

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